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The development of my country's clothing industry must shift from "cottage" to independent innovation

Source: Time:2022-04-17 10:56:40 views:

The domestic apparel industry, especially the foreign trade apparel manufacturing industry, has continued the "cottage-style" development path for many years: no brand advantage, no technical advantage, and a serious lack of its own cultural elements and design style.

The domestic apparel industry, especially the foreign trade apparel manufacturing industry, has continued the "cottage-style" development path for many years: no brand advantage, no technical advantage, and a serious lack of its own cultural elements and design style. Thirty years of reform and opening up, although we have become a big country in clothing manufacturing, we have not yet realized the transition from "Made in China" to "Created in China".
According to industry insiders, under the weight of the current financial crisis, clothing companies must change the past "cottage-style" development mode to survive and develop under the weight of the current financial crisis, and embark on a transformation path of independent innovation and industrial upgrading.
 Where is the "cottage" mode of production
From an economic point of view, "cottage" is a product of a special environment and a shortcut to success in the early stages of enterprise development. In the "primitive stage", whether it is technology, management, mode...all imitate, and win at low prices. Experts believe that "cottage" is not terrible. The key is "mountain
How far can we go and how far we have to go.
 The successful model of Spanish clothing brand ZARA can be summarized as "imitating big-name designs, cutting into the market at low prices, and rapidly updating products". Its products fully meet the needs of middle and low-end customers who want to enjoy "first-class design, second-rate quality, and third-rate prices." However, ZARA pays tens of millions of euros in infringement fines for this "cottage model" every year. Faced with the increasing emphasis on intellectual property protection today, are my country's foreign trade garment processing enterprises still following similar methods? Where should we go?
At present, many garment processing enterprises in my country are still engaged in simple garment agent processing or production based on the advantages of low labor cost and low-cost operation, and they do not master the core technology. Today, when global resources are shrinking, raw material prices are rising, personnel costs are increasing, and the awareness of intellectual property protection is becoming more and more important, once it loses its imitation of international clothing design trends, how will my country's foreign trade clothing processing industry continue? In the context of international economic convergence, creativity is the life of the clothing and fashion industry, and the "cottage" development path has seen an inflection point. Only independent innovation and industrial upgrading are the path to sustainable development for enterprises.
Enterprise development should take the road of sustainable development
 Ye Shuangpeng, general manager of Guangdong Silk International Group Apparel Co., Ltd., said that if Chinese garments want to take the path of sustainable development, they must get rid of today’s foundry status, inject their products into “Chinese elements”, and take the road of independent innovation and industrial upgrading. .
Ye Shuangpeng believes that "cottage" is just a process, and ultimately it needs to be transformed. At this time, independent innovation is needed. Because there is an industry and a market, a part of it for R&D and industrial upgrading will make independent innovation a natural thing. "The current international financial crisis should be said to be a good time for our garment processing industry to upgrade and independently innovate. Increasing corporate integration, building Chinese apparel brands abroad, and actively introducing young creative design talents are all powerful. The development direction of garment processing enterprises in the next few years."
 In response to the current weakness in the international market, Guangdong Silk Textile Group is actively expanding the domestic market, continuously increasing investment in scientific research, and creating a number of well-known domestic and foreign silk textile and clothing brands and silkworm varieties. The group also plans to invest 15 million yuan to add 50 domestic specialty stores, bringing the total number of specialty stores nationwide to 200. And will set up locations in Ireland, Egypt, Russia and other countries to promote new products.
Enterprise innovation still needs government support. Talking about the technological innovation of clothing products, Ye Shuangpeng said frankly that as a clothing export enterprise, strengthening technological innovation is an inevitable way to enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises, but high-tech clothing products are still added value by clothing The phenomenon of low cost and low cost price has been concealed, leading to the suspected of maliciously reporting high prices for such clothing during the export declaration process in order to seek high export tax rebates. Industry insiders expressed that they hope that the government can introduce supporting measures to encourage enterprises to carry out independent innovation while enterprises improve their product technology.
Regarding how the clothing industry highlights the "Made in China" in overseas markets, Ye Shuangpeng said that silk is defined as a symbol of nobility in the international market, and it is also a traditional bulk export commodity in China. The clothing industry should first start with "Chinese silk". made in China".
At present, my country is the world's largest silk producer and exporter, with more than 70% of the silk produced for export. China's raw silk accounts for 70% of the world's output and about 85% of its exports. The export of silk and satin accounts for more than 40% of the world's exports. It has a dominant position in the world silk trade and enjoys a high reputation. Looking back on the 30 years of reform and opening up, the overseas development of my country's silk, decentralized and workshop-style production has enabled my country's silk to gradually move towards the international low-end market. Ye Shuangpeng suggested that the country should implement intensive and monopoly production of silk, and use the power of a big country to create the "Chinese elements" of Chinese silk in the international market and seize the international high-end market.

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